Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Black mamba

The black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis) is avenomous snake endemic to parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Specimens vary in colour from brown or grey to quite dark, but not really black. Juvenile black mambas tend to be lighter in colour than adults and to darken with age. It is the longest species of venomous snake indigenous to the African continent; mature specimens generally exceed 6.6 ft and commonly attain 9.8 ft. Specimens of even 14.1 to 14.8 ft have been reported. The black mamba is a large, round-bodied, slender, but powerful snake. It tapers smoothly towards the tail. The black mamba does not typically hold onto prey after biting, instead releasing its quarry and waiting for it to succumb to paralysis and die. This however depends on the type of prey; for example, it typically will hold onto a bird till it stops struggling to escape. If prey attempts to escape or defend itself, the black mamba often may follow up its initial bite with a rapid series of strikes to incapacitate and quickly kill its prey. Predators of the black mamba include the brown snake eagel and mongoose. The black mamba doesn't have very many predators but they do have those two and they are very dangerous to this snake. Black mambas breed annually and mating occurs in the early spring, when male mambas locate a female by following her scent trail. After finding a potential mate the male will inspect the female by flicking his tongue over her entire body. There is little information available concerning the lifespan of wild black mambas, but the longest surviving captive example had a recorded lifespan of 11 years. The venom of the black mamba is highly toxic, commonly causing collapse in humans within 45 minutes or less from a single bite.

Bearded dragons

You will need to make sure your bearded dragon's tank is large enough for him/her to easily move around and feel at home. Too small of a tank can cause anxiety issues and can also negatively affect their growth. We have highlighted some general tank-size guidelines below. Keep in mind that you can't have too large of a tank, so it's always best to go bigger. The only drawback of having a very large tank is it will give their food (crickets, worms, etc.) more space to hide and will be harder to keep warm.Bearded dragons are omnivores, which mean they will eat both insects and vegetables. Your bearded dragon's diet will depend on his/her age. Younger bearded dragons will eat 80% insects and 20% vegetables, while adult bearded dragons will eat 20% insects and 80% vegetables.Average captive lifespan is between six and 10 years, though there are reports of specimens living twice that long. A lot of bearded dragons are from Switzerland and that's amazing because they come a very long way for you to have them as a pet. Bearded dragons are fairly easy pets they are almost like dogs because they seek human affection and like to play. They love to run around so if you can try to make enclosure for them where they can run around.

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jungle carpet python

The jungle carpet python subspecies are native to a small region of the northwestern Australian rain forests. They are a slender, mostly arboreal python, and adults generally grow to a length of 5 to 7 feet. In the wild, they rarely have the striking black-and-yellow appearance seen in the trophy specimens found in captive collections. A habitat the size of a 5- to 10-gallon aquarium will adequately house most jungles between several months to one year old. Jungle carpet pythons are nocturnal and have no special lighting requirements. A temperature gradient of 85 to 92 degrees Fahrenheit in the warm end of the enclosure and 68 to 75 degrees in the cool end is ideal. Jungle carpet pythons tolerate a wide humidity range, between 40 and 60 percent, and generally do not require misting the cage with water, although it helps to do this when they are in a shed cycle. Frozen-thawed rats, mice, chicks and quail are appropriate food for jungle carpet pythons. Many jungle carpets have a strong preference for mice over rats. Young jungle carpets are often “nippy,” which is appropriate behavior for a small prey animal. When removing them from the enclosure, don’t reach over them like a large predator might. Instead, lift them gently from underneath after they have a firm hold on your hand or a stick. Usually, they settle down and show less defensive biting behavior once they are used to handling. Jungle carpet pythons have a prehemptile tail which mean they can hang all their body weight by the tip of their tail and no other snake can do that if they tried they would fall imedietly.

Ball pythons

A ball python has a flat head and boxy snout. The body of a ball python has large spots of brown outlined in white and black. The spots on young ball pythons are yellow and green outlined in white and black. A healthy ball python will be round and firm. Ball pythongs eat small mice of larger mice as they get bigger but it depends on the size of the snake in general the smaller the snake usually you would feed it the small rodents. Most ball by thong eat live rodents but that's in the wild. Some in captivity still like to eat live but they also like to eat frozen in captivity because they don't develop the basic insintinct to attack its prey. In Europe, the ball python is referred to as the royal python. In the United States the name ball python was given to them because they curl themselves into a ball with their head in the center when they are nervous or upset. Captive ball pythons can live up to 50 years, but the average lifespan is approximately 30 years. In the wild, due to predators, their life span is much shorter. The eggs of this snake are very big and there are usually between 4 and 6 of them in a clutch. The female will place them in a burrow underground. They will emerge about 60 days later. 

Coral snake

Coral snakes are a venomous snake that are very commonly mistaken for the nelsons milkshake which has a very similar color. But the thing to remember is red on black is a friend of jack and red on yellow is a dead fellow. The colors of a coral snake alternate between black,red, and yellow so if the red and yellow touch beware. Coral snakes feed mostly on smaller snakes, lizards, frogs, nestling birds, small rodents, etc. Like all elapid snakes, coral snakes possess a pair of small hollow fangs to deliver their venom. The fangs are positioned at the front of the mouth. New World coral snakes possess one of the most potent venoms of any North American snake. However, relatively few bites are recorded due to their reclusive nature and the fact they generally inhabit sparsely populated areas. According to the American National Institutes of Health, there are an average of 15–25 coral snake bites in the United States each year. Coral snakes are not very large. Rare specimens may reach 3 feet in length, but most of them are 18 to 20 inches long. Female lays 3 to 5 eggs in the summer. It takes couple of months (2 to 3) for eggs to hatch.People rarely come in contact with coral snakes because they are active mostly during the night or early in the morning hours. Besides, coral snakes are not aggressive and they will rather hide than confront with the predator.

Monday, May 16, 2016


Iguanas are a omnivores lizard that live in tropical areas and most of them live in Mexico,central america,the carribean, and southern Brazil. Iguanas are pretty big they can reach a size of about five to six feet and that's including their tail. Most iguanas weigh about eleven pound and that's on average, some can be bigger or smaller depending on their diets. These lizards are active during the day and mucnch on flowers  and fruits that they can find laying around. They also tend to live near water so they don't have to go far for a drink. Iguanas are so tough that they can survive a fall from about forty feet in the air and still survive which is pretty amazing. If threatened the iguana will jump from the branch that it is on and land in water or on solid ground. They are excellent swimmers so that's also another reason that they tend to live towards water as an escape route from predators. They have strong jaws with razor-sharp teeth and sharp tails, which make up half their body length and can be used as whips to drive off predators. They can also detach their tails if caught and will grow another without permanent damage. The green iguana is arguably the most common reptile in the pet trade today. Green iguanas are readily available and almost one million are imported into the United States annually as babies. If kept properly, green iguanas live to be 15 to 20 years old. If you are to have an iguana as a pet you will need at the least a twenty gallon tank to keep it in as babies but as they get bigger they will need a much bigger cage. Most people build them in closures outside and keep them their as adults because they are so big. Iguanas need lots of heat and as babies one heating bulb will suffice but as adults they will need a
Lot more to keep them nice and warm.

Poison dart frog

Poison dart frogs are one of the most colorful and fascinating pets in the reptile and amphibian world. There are many misconceptions about poison dart frogs and their care. The most common concern about these frogs is related to their poisons. With their ominous sounding name, and the hype about their poisons, it’s no wonder there is a fair amount of confusion about their well being in general. First, and most importantly, poison dart frogs are completely non-toxic when captive bred. Even wild-caught frogs gradually lose their poisons in captivity. They need certain insects to help them create their poison and they can't get that in captivity so that's why they are not poisonous. Poison dart frogs are commonly bred in captivity. Captive-bred poison dart frogs are available from breeders, at pet stores and at reptile shows. The species that are most popular in the hobby are medium to larger size poison dart frogs. There also thumbnail poison dart frogs that are very small hence the name but they are difficult to take care of so you should try to keep a larger frog first before buying a small one. These frogs have a captivity life span of about twenty years. Poison dart frogs are small and have delicate skin, so they’re best treated as hands-off pets. Handling poison dart frogs briefly to move them or to cup them for shipping is fine. But handling them for more than a moment or two can definitely be dangerous to their health.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Sulcata tortise

Sulcata tortoises are great pets to have but can be an the harder side to take care of because of their size and diets. These tortoise like to eat and veggies and most fruits. They however can not eat anything that is very accidic because it could make them very sick.Pricing for baby sulcata tortoises varies depending on where you get them, size and age, and even the season. Once a sulcata is large enough to be confirmed a female, the price is generally higher for that tortoise because of breeding potential. Sulcata tortoises can also often be adopted from rescues or from families that are unable to care for a giant tortoise any longer. The life span of a sulcata tortoise in captivity is about 70 years but know one know exactly because most people don't raise sukcatas from birth on to their adult years. Sulcatas like a desert-type setup outdoors with a large grass area in the center and dirt around the perimeter. If they are kept outside they will eat any grass out there and also love to eat dandelions. Sulcata tortoise also love to eat bananas but it gives them the runs so they shouldn't be fed bananas very often unless you are prepared to clean up a really big mess. These tortoises are also very easily scared. When frightened sulcatas start to release all body fluid which means that they pee massive puddles and that's no joke. Sulcatas can only be outside if it is at least  sixty degrees out because any colder they can get sick and die. Also never tilt the tortoise in the air to much because when they are lifted into the air it gets harder for them to breath but if you tilt them they completely stop breathing. For best results, purchase an alert, active sulcata tortoise with bright, clean eyes, or buy one from a reputable source that will guarantee (at least) a live arrival. These tortoises can suffer from most common reptile health problems, but respiratory infections are the most prevalent.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Rattle snakes are a group of venomous snakes of the genera Crotalus. Rattlesnakes are predators that live in a wide array of habitats, hunting small animals such as birds and rodents.However, rattlesnakes fall prey to hawks, weasels, king snakes, and a variety of other species. Rattlesnake bites are the leading cause of snakebite injuries in North America. However, rattlesnakes rarely bite unless provoked or threatened; if treated promptly, the bites are seldom fatal.Rattlesnakes are native to the Americas, living in diverse habitats from southwestern Canada to central Argentina. The large majority of species live in the American Southwest and Mexico. Rattlesnakes consume mice, rats, small birds and other small animals.Like all pit vipers, rattlesnakes have two organs that can sense radiation: their eyes, and a set of heat-sensing "pits" on their faces that enable them to locate prey and move towards it, based on the prey's body heat. Rattlesnake fangs are connected by venom ducts to large venom glands near the outer edge of the upper jaw, towards the rear of the head. When the rattlesnake bites, muscles on the sides of the venom glands contract, which squeezes the venom through the ducts and into the fangs. An estimated 7,000 to 8,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the United States each year, with about five deaths.

King cobra

King cobras are one of the most well known snakes in the world because they are one of the most dangerous and talked about snakes out there. The king cobra  (Ophiophagus hannah) is probably the most popular venomous snake in the world due in part to its massive size and the fact that it raises its head with its hood spread when it becomes agitated. The snake is also respected for its capability to eat other large snakes, including smaller pythons in its range, such as reticulated and Burmese pythons. King cobras are the longest venomous snakes in the world because they can reach a size of twenty feet long and that is four of me put together. The king cobra is native to India and can be found throughout Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, Burma, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, the Philippine Islands, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. It is not a member of the Naja genus, which all other cobras are, but rather has its own genus, Ophiophagus, Greek for “snake eating.” King cobra venom is highly toxic and the snake can deliver a considerable amount in a single bite, upwards of 200 to 500 mg of venom. The venom affects the central nervous system, which causes blurred vision, vertigo, drowsiness,and paralysis. It then causes the collapse of the cardiovascular system and eventually respiratory failure. Immediate medical treatment is essential to enhance survival from a king cobra snakebite. It is said that death can come to a person bitten by a king cobra within 30 minutes, depending on the amount of venom delivered during the envenomation.The king cobra habitat includes dense highland forests, open woods and pasturelands near bodies of water.  King cobras feed almost entirely on other snakes, though they are known to also eat rodents and lizards. Most deaths by a venoumous snake bite are do to the king cobra.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Crocodiles are one of the many really dangerous reptiles because they are natural born hunters and predators. A lot of people think it would be cool to have a pet alligator but its not. As a hatchling yes they are small and cute but as they start to grow their natural  instincts start to kick in and they want to hunt. Crocodile can reach up to 12 feet long and are very strong creatures. Their jaws are so strong that they can bite a humans limbs off. Once they bite down on their prey they will not let go for any reason other then if you kill them. Crocodile are commonly mistaken for alligator and vice versa. But alligators have a Broader u shaped snout. Crocodiles are very hard to take care of and are not recommended as pets because they are to dangerous. There have been a lot of cases where people have been attacked by crocodiles but most of the time its because people aggravated the animal and they get tired of it and attack. Some people are brave enough to do the trust stuff with alligators and like stick their head in its mouth but I would never do that. I would be terrified the whole time and they would probably sense it. An crocodile tongue is so sensitive that whenever something touches it its jaw will insitly close full force and will not open for anything. The only thing an alligator can not bite is vertical like a stick because it is diffult for them. In my opinion I think crocodiles are a lot scarier then alligators and could tear an alligator to pieces. I don't know but either way they terrify me


Alligator are one of the many really dangerous reptiles because they are natural born hunters and predators. A lot of people think it would be cool to have a pet alligator but its not. As a hatchling yes they are small and cute but as they start to grow their natural  instincts start to kick in and they want to hunt. Alligators can reach up to 12 feet long and are very strong creatures. Their jaws are so strong that they can bite a humans limbs off. Once they bite down on their prey they will not let go for any reason other then if you kill them. Alligator are commonly mistaken for crocodiles and vice versa. But alligators have a Broader u shaped snout. Alligator are very hard to take care of and are not recommended as pets because they are to dangerous. There have been a lot of cases where people have been attacked by alligators but most of the time its because people aggravated the animal and they get tired of it and attack. Some people are brave enough to do the trust stuff with alligators and like stick their head in its mouth but I would never do that. I would be terrified the whole time and they would probably sense it. An alligators tongue is so sensitive that whenever something touches it its jaw will insitly close full force and will not open for anything. The only thing an alligator can not bite is vertical like a stick because it is diffult for them

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Red footed tortise

Red footed tortoises are one of the cutest little animals you will ever encounter. They are small in size and are adorable. They live in Africa and are actually one of the smallest breeds of tortoises. They are herbivores and usually eat greens but do also eat fruits. You have to be careful feeding the fruits because if they get used to it they may stop eating greens all together which isn't bad for them but it may be expensive for you in the long run. They are great pets to have and are pretty low maintenance. If you want a red footed torture you can buy them online or at reptile conventions. Make sure to buy a big enough take to keep them in because they may not be the fastest animals in the work but they sure like to move around. If you get a red footed tortoise you are going to want to take it outside to get fresh air often but only take them out when it is at least 60 degrees out because they need it to be a little warm out so they don't get sick. Also when you pick them up don't tip them because it gets hard for them to breath and you could kill them if you tip them in the air to much.

Colombian red tail boas

Colombian red tail boas live in many parts of the world such as america, by they like semi dessert areas and open places to live so we aren't very likely to find one here in Michigan. They are great Peta to have because they are very docile and are easy to take care of but most people don't like them because they can get very big in size. Female can be up to 8 feet long while males only get up to 6 fett which I think is funny because most people expe t the male to be bigger. If you are to have one as a pet make sure you buy all the right materials such as a tank that is at least twenty gallons so that way they have enough room to move and be free. You will also need heating pads or laps because since they are cold blooded they can't digest food without the heat from a lap or gheat pad. To feed them the usually eat medium sized mice and eat live. Colombian red tail boas are constrictors which means that they strike their prey and then wrap around it until they kill it before they eat it. You have to be careful because sometimes the mice try to fight back and could hurt the snake so always keep an eye on it when feeding. Also feed them in a different container then what they sleep in so that way they will never mistake you as food when you try to get them out