Thursday, May 5, 2016

Red footed tortise

Red footed tortoises are one of the cutest little animals you will ever encounter. They are small in size and are adorable. They live in Africa and are actually one of the smallest breeds of tortoises. They are herbivores and usually eat greens but do also eat fruits. You have to be careful feeding the fruits because if they get used to it they may stop eating greens all together which isn't bad for them but it may be expensive for you in the long run. They are great pets to have and are pretty low maintenance. If you want a red footed torture you can buy them online or at reptile conventions. Make sure to buy a big enough take to keep them in because they may not be the fastest animals in the work but they sure like to move around. If you get a red footed tortoise you are going to want to take it outside to get fresh air often but only take them out when it is at least 60 degrees out because they need it to be a little warm out so they don't get sick. Also when you pick them up don't tip them because it gets hard for them to breath and you could kill them if you tip them in the air to much.

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