Thursday, May 5, 2016

Colombian red tail boas

Colombian red tail boas live in many parts of the world such as america, by they like semi dessert areas and open places to live so we aren't very likely to find one here in Michigan. They are great Peta to have because they are very docile and are easy to take care of but most people don't like them because they can get very big in size. Female can be up to 8 feet long while males only get up to 6 fett which I think is funny because most people expe t the male to be bigger. If you are to have one as a pet make sure you buy all the right materials such as a tank that is at least twenty gallons so that way they have enough room to move and be free. You will also need heating pads or laps because since they are cold blooded they can't digest food without the heat from a lap or gheat pad. To feed them the usually eat medium sized mice and eat live. Colombian red tail boas are constrictors which means that they strike their prey and then wrap around it until they kill it before they eat it. You have to be careful because sometimes the mice try to fight back and could hurt the snake so always keep an eye on it when feeding. Also feed them in a different container then what they sleep in so that way they will never mistake you as food when you try to get them out

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